
January 25th is the memorial day of our founder “HONEN-SHONIN”.

Our founder has been showing us the teaching of NENBUTSU.

It is “Everyone who recites NAMUAMIDABUTSU will surely be salvaged by AMIDA-BUDDHA”.

HONEN-SHONIN did not want to have his own sanctuary because he always says “Everywhere we hear NENBUTSU could be my sanctuary”.

Even now, he is wishing from the PURE-LAND that the voice of NENBUTSU will be wide spread.

This year, we prepared the map on our web site. When you recite NENBUTSU and register it, the lotus flower will be indicated on the map.

Even though we are separated, why don’t we make the flowers bloom by reciting NAMUAMIDABUTSU at the same time for HONEN-SHONIN’s legacy!

Legacy map


The number of registrations this year was 1202.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your participation.