
January 25th is the memorial day of our founder “HONEN-SHONIN”.

Honen Shonin, the founding master of Jodo Shu, passed away on January 25, 1212. We, the Jodo Shu followers, have been observing the memorial service to pay tribute to Honen Shonin for his propagation of the teaching and practice of Nembutsu.

Upon his death, Honen Shonin did not designate the place to be acknowledged as his gravesite. However, he admonished his disciples that any place where the voice of Nembutsu is heard is all his gravesites. It is our religious belief that Honen Shonin, from the Pure Land of Amida Buddha, wishes the voice of Nembutsu to spread regardless of place.

Consecutively from the prior years, we host the special simultaneous Nembutsu session from January 18 to February 1, 2025. For this virtual gathering, we provide a special map for all participants to show the places where they are reciting Nembutsu. During the session, upon your registration to our event website from wherever you are while engaging in the Nembutsu recitation, a lotus flower pops up on the map to indicate the place you are joining from as one of the gravesites of Honen Shonin.

Let us voice our reverence to Honen Shonin and make this flower bloom worldwide by reciting “Namu Amida Butsu,” even though we reside far apart.

Legacy map


The number of registrations this year was 939.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your participation.